Grow With Steve #11 – To gate or not to gate?
Welcome to Grow With Steve Edition #11 – your weekly treat of marketing goodness to help you get better at promoting your business online. This week, I wanted to touch on the subject of “gating content” – the notion of hiding your content behind a virtual wall, only accessible by giving over an email address. It’s a hotly contested […]
Grow With Steve #10
How did I help a client sell £15k of training last week? This week I wanted to share how I helped one of my clients sell over £10k of training. The client in question sell premium, accredited training courses to their clients, each course is anything from £1300 – £2000, so not something that people […]
Grow With Steve #9
In this edition I wanted to share a really straightforward strategy to growing your B2B business. It’s a simple 3 step process that any B2B can (and should) be following. Step 1 – Build an audience of your ideal prospects This is absolutely fundamental if you want to grow and scale your B2B business. Building an audience […]
Grow With Steve – Edition #8
Are you sowing seeds to grow your future sales? 🌱 Welcome to Grow With Steve – Edition #8. I can’t believe I’m on edition 8 of my newsletter, I also can’t believe I’ve not had one single piece of business from this! Actually, I can. You see I understand that the work I do now, will not […]
Grow With Steve #7 – Time
How much time do you give your marketing to work? In this Amazon Prime world we’re lead to believe we can have what we want the same day, and in some cases people believe this of their marketing. Switch on a new campaign and we should get leads straight away right? Wrong! Marketing of any […]
Grow With Steve #6 – Content Creation Hack
In this weeks Grow With Steve I wanted to share a really simple content planning hack that I learnt a few years ago, and one that has served me well when thinking of what to write about for my audience. If I ever struggle to think about what content to create for social media or my website, […]
Grow With Steve #5 – Do you measure ANY of your marketing activity?
If you answered no, welcome to the majority of business owners! Not unexpected as we have a lot to be doing running our business, but at some point you need to think about measuring your marketing. It doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds Tracking a few simple metrics can help you gain […]
Grow With Steve #4 – Have you heard of the 7/11/4 formula?
It’s a great strategy for B2B and B2C companies to grow their sales by ensuring prospects have lots of available content to dine on while they make up their minds. We know for a fact that in the B2B world, probably 3-5% of prospects are in market right now, which means a high proportion of […]
Grow With Steve #3 – What’s Your Hero Moment?
In this week’s Grow With Steve #3 weekly newsletter, I wanted to share a really simple way to come up with content ideas for your social media and website to help you connect with your ideal target audience. For years I’ve used a simple method for both segmenting contents, and to help brainstorm enough content ideas for […]
Grow With Steve #2 – How evergreen are your assets?
This week I wanted to discuss the topic of “evergreen assets” and why they’re so important as part of your overall marketing strategy and if you do this right, it can make a massive difference to your revenue and profitability. What is an evergreen asset? Well, as the name suggests, an evergreen asset is a piece of […]