Grow With Steve – Edition #8  

Are you sowing seeds to grow your future sales? 🌱

Welcome to Grow With Steve – Edition #8. I can’t believe I’m on edition 8 of my newsletter, I also can’t believe I’ve not had one single piece of business from this!

Actually, I can.

You see I understand that the work I do now, will not bare fruit for a while.

Do you give up too soon?

I come across lots of businesses that give up with their marketing too soon, they expect almost instant results, and if something doesn’t work in the first few weeks, they give up.

Crazy huh?

For most B2B businesses, the work you do today on your marketing will be unlikely to create a return for at least six months.

This is because most of your buyers are not ‘in market’ right now, according to the Ehrenburg-Bass Institute of Marketing Science this figure could be as high as 95%.

But, that doesn’t mean to say they won’t be ready to buy at some point in the future.

This is where brand salience comes in

Salience is defined as “of being particularly noticeable or important; prominence” – in other words, when it comes to brand salience it is that your brand is more noticeable and memorable than that of your competitors.

Salience is created when you consistently reach the buyers of your product with compelling messages, even if they’re not ready to buy yet.

But, when they are ready, your brand will be what is known as ‘front of mind’, in other words mentally available in the mind of your target prospects.

So, don’t give up marketing because you’re not seeing instant results

Instead, stick with your strategy (if you have one) and maintain a consistent approach, reaching your target customers with compelling and stand out marketing that catches their eye.

Finally, make sure you’re tracking your marketing beyond the first few months, as most of your sales from activity happening now, will likely occur in six months time.

I hope you found this inspiring to hear. It can be challenging when you’re working hard on your marketing but don’t see instant results. Stick with it, Rome wasn’t built in a day!


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